Twitter video limit: size, duration, and how to post more than 140 seconds on Twitter

Monday 2022/02/21

Social networks have revolutionized the world. Of course, the way we communicate is not the same, now with a 2-minute video you can reach a very wide audience.

One of the preferred platforms for this is Twitter. Twitter is a social network where you can create content, expressing your ideas, from a tweet, an image, or a video. In this article, we specifically want to talk about Twitter's video length limit.

If you are a Twitter user, and if you have ever wanted to upload a video you know that there are some limitations to doing so, among them are the type of format allowed, resolution, and duration. Speaking specifically about length, Twitter's video length limit is quite short.

However, taking a walk through the platform, you have been able to see very long videos, up to 10 minutes. So the question would be: how long can videos be on Twitter? We'll answer that question below.

What is the Twitter video length limit?

Officially, Twitter, as well as limiting the number of characters per tweet, also has some limitations in terms of duration, size, and resolution for videos published on the platform.

In the case of Twitter's video length limit, officially, the limit is 140 seconds. This means that if you want to share a longer video on Twitter, you will have to split the video into several parts or simply publish only one part. However, we will explain later how Twitter video length can be longer than 140 seconds.

What is the video size limit on Twitter?

Well, Twitter is a social network that, despite being well known in the world, does not specialize in videos as is the case with other platforms such as YouTube. For that reason, the formats allowed are only two, MP4 and MOV, if you use the mobile APP version. If you use the web version, the format can also be H264 with AAC audio.

In the case of the Twitter video size limit, the accepted file size is quite good at 512 MB, the recommended resolution being 1200x1900. In case you want to upload a video and it weighs more than the allowed value, you should compress the video before uploading it.

How to post videos on Twitter longer than 140 seconds?

Although officially, Twitter's video limit is 2 minutes 20 seconds, other methods can be used to upload a video of up to 10 minutes on Twitter. One of these methods is through the official Twitter Media Studio platform.

Twitter Media Studio is a platform, designed for people who advertise on Twitter, which allows you to manage and monetize the videos you upload to this social network. So, this tool is ideal for improving the quality of videos, including adding subtitles and calls to action.

One of the most notable features of Twitter Media Studio is that it allows the duration of the Twitter video you upload to be longer than 140 seconds.

Here are the steps you must follow to upload videos to Twitter from this wonderful platform:

1. Go to the page.

2. Next, enter the data to log in to your Twitter account. The data can be, email, telephone, or name, as well as the password.

3. Once you enter your Twitter account if you have not yet registered in the ads section, you must enter data such as administrator name, company name, country, among other things. Finally, click on "Submit". This step will allow you to access Media Studio.

How to post videos on Twitter longer than 140 seconds?

4. After adding all your data, from your Twitter profile, click on "more" in the menu located on the left. Then click on "Media Studio".

How to post videos on Twitter longer than 140 seconds?

5. When you log in, you must click on "Creativities" and then in the Multimedia tab, in Media Studio, in the top menu of your account, you will be able to upload your video by clicking on "upload media". Remember that the video must have certain specifications:

  • It should not be longer than 10 minutes.
  • Must not exceed 512 MB in size.
  • The allowed format is .MOV and .MP4.

How to post videos on Twitter longer than 140 seconds?

6. When the video is loaded and processed, click on the symbol that looks like a feather, shown in the following image.

How to post videos on Twitter longer than 140 seconds?

7. By clicking there, you will be able to edit the details of the video, adding certain features, such as video title, subtitles, call-to-action button, restrictions, thumbnail, among other things.

How to post videos on Twitter longer than 140 seconds?

8. Finally, after adding all the details of the video, you will have two options, either publish the video immediately, by clicking the blue button that says "Tweet" or schedule the video where it says "Schedule", adding date and time of publication.

Now, you must be clear that uploading videos longer than 140 seconds to Twitter will only be possible if Twitter authorizes it, so if you upload your video and it tells you that it is too long, send a support ticket to Twitter Adds support team. This can be done through the link, through which after making the request, you will receive approval. 

How to download videos on Twitter

On the other hand, if you are one of those who like to download videos to watch them when you don't have an internet connection, today we bring you an innovative tool called BBFly, the best option to download videos from platforms such as Amazon Prime, Hulu, Twitter and many more.

So, after you already know what the Twitter video length limit is and how to post videos on Twitter longer than 140 seconds, we want to explain how from the BBFly application you can download any video from Twitter, so you can enjoy it whenever you want.

Here are the steps you need to follow to download videos from Twitter:

1. Log in to the BBFly website.

2. Once you enter the website, on the main page, you will have the option to download the installer for free on your computer, just click on "Free Download".

How to download videos on Twitter

3. Automatically, a program will be downloaded to your computer and you will have to install it. It will be a very easy and super fast process. It will take no more than 5 minutes.

How to download videos on Twitter

4. Once you install the application on your computer, you will be able to see all the platform options, from where you can download your videos. In this case, you will click where the Twitter logo is.

How to download videos on Twitter

5. When you click there, a pop-up window with the Twitter home page will open. Enter your Twitter account login details and log in.

How to download videos on Twitter: BBFly

6. When you are inside your account, choose the video you want to download, once you enter an arrow will appear on the left side of your screen, click there and a screen will appear where you can choose the details of how you want your video to be downloaded, from the format to the quality of the video. Once you have selected all the details, click on "Download".

How to download videos on Twitter: BBFly

7. This will take you to a section within the installer where you will be able to see the status of your download. It is important to mention that, if you decide to download your videos in maximum quality, you will only be able to do it 5 times in the free version, after that, you will have to subscribe to the premium version.

How to download videos on Twitter: BBFly

If, in addition to knowing how much is the Twitter video duration limit and how to download videos from Twitter, you want to get information about downloading videos from other platforms, here are some articles that will surely interest you:

How to Screen Record on Hulu

How to Record Amazon Prime Video?